2015 Annual Fund Thanks

Record Donations, Record Participation

We closed the third year of the SigEp Annual Fund at the end of June.  Many thanks to the Brothers who dug deep this year.  We raised a total of $16,581.75 – a truly impressive amount.  The funds will help to pay for new audio-visual systems in the Hasenkamp Library and the Oopik-Qua Chapter Room, an upgrade to the wireless network at the Chapter House, new Adirondack chairs for the front porch, tickets for theater productions at the College, and the Eastman Financial Aid Fund.

The highlights:

-       Led by Eli Derrow ’15 and his family, the graduating seniors of the class of ’15 did a phenomenal job and had a 100% participation rate!

-       Challenge pledges were made by Herb Philpott ’85, Mark Weld ’76, and Mike Chapman ’76.

-       Participation leaders this year

o    Decade of the 1990’s         Gold

o    Decade of the 1980’s         Silver

o    Decade of the 1970’s         Bronze


The Honor Roll:

John Adams                 1983

Michael Anderson          1996

Doug Antaya                 1978

Sean Anthony               2006

Michael Armstrong        1997

James Barkley              2006

John Bennett                 1996

Isiah Berg                     2011

Michael Bongiorno        1988

Dan Bort                       1968

Lee Bronsnick               1999

Glenn Burdick               1974

John Carroll                  1990

Mike Chapman              1976

Dave Clark                    1976

Class of 2015                2015

Gregory Clow                1981

Mitch Cohen                  1980

Raymond DeGuzman     1994

Jason DiMarino             1997

Andrew Doherty             1986

Douglas Doucet             1998

Laurence Dunn              1981

Peter Furci                    1992

Leonard Gail                 1985

James Gildea                1983

Daniel Gray                   1985

Brian Goeselt                1982

Dodd Griffin                 1987

Barry Harwick                1977

Bruce Hasenkamp         1960

Peter Hasenkamp          1998

Keith Jacobsen             1997

Gary Jan                       1998

Michael Keller                1990

Rick Kimball                  1978

Don Landzettel              1960

Rick MacMillen              1966

Patrick Martin                1973

Dhiraj Mukherjee            1991

Robert Nadler                1985

William Nunnery            1994

JD Optekar                   1991

Jim Ouelette                  1988

Michael Parham             1991

Herb Philpott                 1985

Sam Reckford               1983

Daniel Richman             1995

Andrew Riker                 1997

Robert Rizzi                  1972

Lee Rosengard              1973

Eric Schwager               2010

Derrick Smith                2007

Whit Trovillion               1986

David Utterback            1982

Richard von Riesen       1980

Jeff Wagner                  2006

Roger Weaving             1981

Martin Weinstein            1981

Mark Weld                    1976

Mark Woodard              1999

Michael Woodward        1980

Tim Woodward              1985

John Lewis                    1970

Steve Munger                1979

Chad Northrup               1996

Herb Philpott                 1985

Thank you again to all who donated this year!  The 2016 Annual Fund runs from now until June 30, 2016.  If you would like to donate now, you have three options:

Send a check to the NH Alpha AVC:

Sigma Phi Epsilon NH Alpha AVC
28 Ridge Terrace

Short Hills, NJ  07078

Make a tax exempt donation by following the link to the SigEp National website and selecting "New Hampshire Alpha Residential Learning Community Annual Fd" from the Chapter Housing Campaign menu:  http://access.sigep.org/site/Donation2?1721.donation=form1&df_id=1721



Mike Chapman, D ’76 Th’77                                                Herb Philpott D’85
Decade Rep ‘60s and earlier, ‘70s, ‘90s                          Decade Rep ‘80s
mchapman01@hotmail.com                                             herb@philpott.org

Dave Clark D’76                                                                    Derrick Smith D’07
Decade Rep ‘70’s                                                                Decade Rep ‘00s and ‘10s
dave.clark1976@gmail.com                         derrick.t.smith@dartmouth.edu     


Campaign for SigEp at Dartmouth

Here are the Leadership Levels that will be recognized on the plaque that will be mounted in the Balanced Man entryway at the Chapter House:

The Campaign for SigEp at Dartmouth

Leadership Levels

Golden Heart Circle

$100,000 and above

Epsilon Circle

$50,000 - $99,999

Phi Circle

$25,000 - $49,999

Sigma Circle

$10,000 – $24,999

Balanced Man Circle

$5000 - $9,999

Qua Circle

$2000 - $4,999


You can give immediately online at:

The SigEp National Educational Foundation website.

Choose "New Hampshire Alpha Residential Learning Community"

Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Naming opportunities are still available. 

If you have any questions, please contact Campaign Chair Bob Wetzel ‘76 (rowgsw@gmail.com) or AVC President Herb Philpott ‘85 (herb@philpott.org).