Reunion 2015 Report

The Siren call of Reunion was irresistible to more than 100 SigEp brothers last June as the Classes of 1955, 1960, 1965, 1979-81, 1985, 1990, 1994-96, and 2010 made their way to Hanover to enjoy perfect weather, the beautiful new SigEp house, and share stories and the bonds of brotherhood across generations.

Here's a list of the registered attendees:

Alan M. Uris, Esq.             '55

John K. Benson, Jr.          '60 T'61 P'90 TP'96

Bruce H. Hasenkamp      '60 P'98 EP'99 EP'00

Donald J. Landzettel       '60

The Reverend Kenneth W. Taber II          '60

Gerard E. d'Aquin            '65 P'06

Stephens M. Fowler       '65 P'97

Weaver H. Gaines            '65

Robert L. Hartford, Jr.    '65

C. Thomas Long                '65

Michael B. Orr   '65 T'70

John B. Rogers  '65 P'94

Richard D. Tabors, Ph.D.                '65 P'93

Stephen L. Waterhouse                '65 T'67 P'92

Keith M. Young '65

Michael O. Boldt               '79

Joseph H. Giammarco    '79

Samuel L. Winebaum     '79

Curtis H. Chase  '80

Mitch Cohen      '80

Robert S. Enelow, M.D. '80

James T. Harter '80

J. Scott Slater     '80

Richard C. vonRiesen      '80

Michael D. Woodward   '80

Gregory Clow    '81

Lawrence R. Dunn           '81

Roger G. Weaving, Jr.     '81

Martin J. Weinstein         '81

Peter T. Weller, M.D.     '81

Raymond B. Woolson, III              '81

Leonard A. Gail '85

Herb Philpott     '85

David E. Rattray                '85

Robert B. Nadler, M.D.  '85 P'17

Timothy W. Woodward '85 P'15

Richard L. Beaver, M.D. '90

R. D. Scott Jeffress          '90

Michael A. Keller              '90

Michael J. Kennealy        '90

Steffen R. Nelson            '90

Gerard J. Ostheimer, Ph.D.          '90

Mike DeGuzman              '94

Chad Nunnery   '94

Matthew E. Price             '94

John B. Alexander, Ph.D.              '95

Henry Soo Hoo  '95

Steven M. Hoffman        '95

Michael T. Anderson      '96

Brian C. Barry     '96 E'97

Ryan P. Donovan              '96

Brevan M. D'Angelo        '10

Jake R. Routhier               '10

James K. Cart     '10

Alexander A. Hall             '10

Benjamin L. Gordon        '10

Remi L. Gottheil                '10 E'11

Evan M. Greulich              '10

William L. Schpero           '10 M'12

David J. Knight   '10

Daniel B. Chamberlain    '10 E'11

Gregory I. Sokol                '10 E'11

Brian J. Bozzello                '10 E'11

Daniel R. Leopold             '10

Brendan R. McVeigh       '10

Kenneth P. DiCairano     '10

Alexander J. E. Kell          '10

Robert M. Hoffman        '10

Adrian A. Garcia, Jr.         '10

Scott B. Baker    '10

Daniel P. Moore               '10

Adam S. Halpern-Leistner            '10

Benjamin D. Nunnery    '10

Joseph V. DeBonis III      '10

Morgan A. Becker            '10

Stephen C. Schiraldi        '10

Benjamin G. Wiener       '10

Kevin A. Treadway          '10

Nathaniel D. Obler           '10

Colin A. Nichols '10 A'13 E'13

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